These wood blocks decorated as Christmas presents… would make great Christmas presents! Or a present for you, as an adorable decoration this holiday. You can NEVER have too many Christmas decorations around your house, or at least not in my mind.
Head down to your favorite lumber store and grab a 4”x4” of wood. I was lucky enough to have it fit just right in my car.
Using our handy chop saw, I was able to make several wood blocks with a variety of sizes.
Sand paper was used to smooth the edges. Careful of splinters.
Then, using acrylic paint, I painted the wood. Adding some painted polka dots would be a cute look as well. To create a vintage look, lightly paint over the wood and the blocks will look more aged.
For finishing touches, add your ribbons. So much fun to style up your wood block presents.
We will be creating this in our December’s Craft Night for only $5. Join us the first Wednesday of every month for a fun crafting session!